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Access <ハイヤーの場合>

・第一支店(丸の内)/東京都千代田区丸の内2-3-2 郵船ビル3階


1)東雲営業所/江東区 ※国際自動車株式会社(T1)
2)羽田営業所/大田区 ※国際自動車株式会社(T1)
3)台東営業所/台東区 ※国際自動車株式会社(T1)
4)板橋営業所/板橋区 ※国際自動車株式会社(T2)
5)吉祥寺営業所/武蔵野市 ※国際自動車株式会社(T2)
6)三鷹営業所/三鷹市 ※国際自動車株式会社(T2)
7)世田谷営業所/世田谷区 ※国際自動車株式会社(T2)




Salary 年収 400万円~700万円
Employee Benefits ■社会保険完備(雇用・労災・健康・厚生年金) 【各社共通】  ・賞与 ハイヤーの場合 年2回(昨年度支給実績平均54万円)     タクシーの場合 年3回(3月・7月・11月/昨年度支給実績3回)・時間外手当全額支給 ・社内表彰制度 ・社員食堂 ・旅行補助 ・産業医、看護師、保健師 巡回 ・慶弔見舞金 ・産休、育休制度あり ・定年選択制 ⇒60~65歳で定年時期を選択可。定年後も希望者は契約社員として勤務可能! ・普通自動車第二種免許の取得費用⇒全額会社負担 ・営業所内施設利用可能⇒大浴場、仮眠室や休憩室の利用 ⇒都内のタクシードライバーで20代女性の46.6%は同社の社員。女性専用の施設も全事業所に完備! ・各種サークル活動(野球部、ボウリング部、ゴルフ部など) ・健康経営優良法人2024(経済産業省)7年連続受賞 ・子ども手当(ハイヤーのみ)
Appeal ドライバー総合職■タクシー・ハイヤー選択可能|95%未経験入社|年収1000万円の方も|創業104年
Eligibility 学歴不問
└ 学歴・前職・転職回数・ブランク・業界経験・社会人経験は不問!
└ 未経験者・第二新卒・他業界や他職種からのキャリアチェンジ希望者、歓迎!


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Company name not disclosed

We are looking for a new and cutting-edge Taxi Driver to join our team!

Access 1-26, Mitsuya-Minami 1-chome, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
15 minutes on foot from Juso Station on the Hankyu Line
7 minutes walk from bus stop “Tagawa-dori

7 minutes walk from bus stop “Tagawa-dori”.
Salary Annual income 3.5-6.5 million yen
Employee Benefits Uniform rental Smoking space available (no smoking in the company or in cars) Separate changing rooms for men and women In-house auto maintenance shop Optional retirement age (60~65 years old) Support for acquisition of a second-class driver's license (paid by the company/with provisions) Support for acquisition of qualifications (secretarial certification, service hospitality certification, etc.) In-house training (manner training, first aid equipment training, etc.) Job change support system *Conditions apply.
Appeal *The No. 1 group in sales for 12 consecutive years (national ranking in the hire car and cab sector / comprehensive survey of the service industry / 2010 - 2021)
Eligibility Required
At least 3 years or 1 year after obtaining a regular driver's license
└ Previous employment, educational background, blanks, industry experience or working experience are not required!       
   New graduates are welcome.

Experience, skills, and qualifications that are welcome ・Experience in customer service, service industry, etc. (The group also has people with experience in manufacturing, construction, and office work, etc.)

Those who drive a car on a daily basis (we have a full training program for paper drivers as well)

We are hiring based on personality and motivation!
You will receive a full week of training at an education center operated by the Nippon Kotsu Group, a major player in the industry. In addition, we have a comprehensive training system that covers everything a driver needs, from the basics of customer service to road traffic laws, geography, and more.
We are looking for people who are at least a little interested in cab work.
Those who want to work at their own pace and without any ties to the company.
Those who would like to build a career with a new company anyway.
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Nihon Kotsu Co., Ltd. Shinagawa Sales Office

First year annual salary of 6.64 million yen! No quota! Guaranteed monthly salary of 300,000 yen for the first 12 months after starting work * Guaranteed salary system If sales exceed the guaranteed amount, the salary will be increased by that amount

Location Shinagawa Ward,
Access 3-32-25 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Salary Over 300,000 yen
Employee Benefits Company pays for the cost of acquiring a Type 2 driver's license / 2 years of service required Housing support system introduced/Starz Pitatto House alliance Qualification acquisition support system Property Formation Accident-Free Recognition Award Commendation for long years of service Uniform rental Nap room Rest room Recreation center/Ito Many circle activities <Rehiring system available I like driving a car Want to work for a stable company I want to make a high income at my own pace I want to make this my last job change I want a job where I can start with peace of mind I want to start over at a company that provides excellent training and support. Various generations of men and women in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s are active in the company. Retirement age is 65. We have many employees in their 70s who are reemployed by the company. Insurance】】Health insurance Health insurance Health insurance Employee Pension Insurance Workers' accident compensation insurance Passive smoking countermeasures Yes [Details of passive smoking countermeasures Details of Passive Smoking Countermeasures Smoking area on the premises
Appeal First year annual salary of 6.64 million yen!
Eligibility No experience necessary
No experience or number of job changes required

No experience in the workforce, job type, or industry is welcome.

All you need is
Only 1 year or more of regular driver's license / AT limited is acceptable.
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Kokusai motorcars Co.,Ltd.

46.6% of female taxi drivers in their 20s in Tokyo are employees of the company. All offices are equipped with facilities for women only! You can choose between taxi and hire car | 95% of employees join without experience | Some employees earn 10 million yen a year

Location Minato Ward, To
Access 3 minutes walk from Tameike-Sanno Station Exit 10
Salary 4 million to 4.5 million yen
Employee Benefits Social insuranc
Appeal 95% of people join the
company with no experience!
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All cars are the popular "JAPANTAXI" with a guaranteed 400,000 yen x 6 months! 350,000 yen guaranteed from the 7th month onwards! Clean and new company housing is also available! Many inexperienced people from rural areas are also welcome!

Location Adachi Ward, To
Access Take the bus bound for Rokucho Station from the east exit of Takenotsuka Station on the Tobu Isesaki Line. Get off at the Hokima 1-chome stop, then walk for 1 minute.
Salary 1-6 months: 400,000 yen / 7-12 month
Employee Benefits Social insuranc
Appeal Guaranteed 350,000 yen even after the 7th month!
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Nikko Nerima Co., Ltd.

Guaranteed monthly salary of 300,000 yen. Nikko Group has the stability of being the No. 1 in sales for 10 consecutive years.

Location Nerima Ward, To
Access 7 minutes walk from Nerima Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line and Oedo Line
Salary 4.2 million yen to 6 million yen
Employee Benefits Social insuranc
Appeal Guaranteed monthly salary of 300,000 yen!
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